Evolutionary Secrets of Snake Skulls

News Dec 2, 2023
Dipsadine snake morphological diversity revealed through micro-CT imaging

Dipsadine snakes, numbering over 800 species in South and Central America, form a remarkable vertebrate radiation. Their ecological diversity spans from arboreal snail-eaters to aquatic eel specialists and terrestrial generalists. Despite their ecological significance, understanding the impact of ecological specialization on the broader phenotypic diversity within this clade remains limited.

A Morphological Perspective

In a groundbreaking study conducted by researchers at The University of Texas at Arlington in collaboration with the University of Michigan, the focus shifted to understanding how habitat use and diet influence morphological diversification in skull shape across 160 dipsadine species. Employing micro-CT and 3-D geometric morphometrics, the team used a phylogenetic comparative approach to explore the contributions of habitat use and diet composition to skull shape variation among species.

Key Findings and Results

The study reveals that both habitat use and diet significantly predict skull shape in various regions. Interestingly, habitat use emerges as a more influential predictor compared to diet across multiple skull regions. Fossorial and aquatic behaviors, within ecological groupings, exhibit the most substantial deviations in morphospace for several skull regions. The research employs simulations to address result robustness and highlights statistical anomalies arising from applying phylogenetic generalized least squares to complex shape data.

Diversity of neotropical dipsadine snakes
Diversity of neotropical dipsadine snakes. A – Leptodeira septentrionalis, a semi-arboreal frog specialist; B – Dipsas catesbyi, an arboreal snail-eating specialist; C – Oxyrhopus melanogenys, a terrestrial snake that typically feeds on reptiles; D – Imantodes lentiferus, an arboreal frog-eater; E – Atractus elaps, a small semi-fossorial snake that feeds on annelids; F – Xenopholis scalaris, a cryptic amphibian specialist, pictured here in a defensive flattening posture. See Fig. 2 for the skull morphology of these same six groups. (Photographs by G. Pandelis)
Source: https://bmcecolevol.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12862-023-02157-3/figures/1

Snake Skull Island!

Correlations between skull shape and both habitat and dietary ecology are significant, with the strongest relationships observed in snakes exhibiting aquatic and fossorial lifestyles. This correlation aligns with the classic model of adaptive radiation, suggesting that ecological factors played a pivotal role in driving morphological diversification within the dipsadine megaradiation.

Skull Evolution

The study emphasizes the importance of skull shape in snakes, influencing crucial aspects such as prey acquisition, habitat use, mate choice, and defense against predators. Given the absence of limbs in snakes, their skulls play a vital role in navigating their habitat and consuming prey larger than their body size would suggest.

Ecological and morphological diversity across the dipsadine megaradiation
Ecological and morphological diversity across the dipsadine megaradiation. Habitat use and diet groups appear to have independent origins in multiple clades.
Source: https://bmcecolevol.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12862-023-02157-3/figures/2

A 3D Exploration

To delve into the evolution of skull shape, researchers utilized X-ray microcomputed tomography-scanning technology on preserved museum specimens, creating 3D digital reconstructions of the skulls of 160 dipsadine species. Geometric morphometrics quantified their shape, paired with field data on their habits and diet to unveil the intricate relationship between skull shape and ecology.

Trophic anatomy of the snake skull
Trophic anatomy of the snake skull. A – A lateral view of the mandibular “chain” consisting of the supratemporal, quadrate, and mandible (top); a dorsal view of the mandibular chain (bottom). B – The skull trophic “chain”, viewed laterally (top) and ventrally with other elements removed (bottom).
Source: https://bmcecolevol.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12862-023-02157-3/figures/3


Gregory Pandelis, collections manager at UTA's Amphibian and Reptile Diversity Research Center, expresses the significance of this research, noting, "We now have evidence that this group of snakes is one of the most spectacular and largest vertebrate adaptive radiations currently known to science." He highlights the strong correlation between habitat use, diet preferences, and skull shape, indicating their pivotal role in cranial evolution for these species.

With more than 800 species ranging from less than 12 inches to over 9 feet, dipsadine snakes showcase remarkable adaptability in their habitat and diet preferences. While this study provides crucial insights, there remains much to uncover about these enigmatic and fascinating animals.
